Where can you do that in RL. I don't know any location.
So during my hunting i didn't bought anything. I went back to Mimi's store, and Giz and Auster were there. They brought some new clothes and boots, which was catching my eye at once.
If i would have know that in advance i could have saved a lot of time.

I finally come to the conclusion that i am shopping addicted. I spoke with some women about that topic and in all their answer was:
1. You can never shop TO much!
2. A man that actually goes shopping is a blessing!

So if you like to have one of this amazing outfits here are some facts before you come over:
4 jacket sizes
4 pant sizes
1 non mesh woolen sweater
1 pair of boots
1 scarf
alpha layers included for the jacket, pant, boot and one full body layer. So you have a lot of options.
Here is your taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Deep%20House%20Island/48/57/22
Kind Regards Christian
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